When to go to Peru?

Roel's tips, Local guide in Peru
Roel's tips, Local guide in Peru

Peru can be divided into three geographical areas, each with its own climate. On the coast, the climate is temperate and rain is scarce. The best time for a trip to Peruis between December and March. As for the mountainous regions and the Andean cordillera, the climate is cold and dry and rain is abundant during the summer. The months of May to August are ideal for exploring the Andes. The Amazon enjoys a hot and humid tropical climate. It is therefore advisable to visit between April and November to avoid being troubled by the very high humidity.

Below you will find all the climatic information to know when to go to Peru.
when to go infographic  Peru
Climate infrographic - Thetraveler.net ©

The weather month by month in Peru

Weather Lima in January

68 to 80°
Sea: 71 °

20 d/month
9 d/month
1 day
1 day

In January, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 20 in the morning and 27 in the afternoon. Temperatures are hot. The average rainfall is around 15 inches, for 30 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in February

69 to 82°
Sea: 73 °

16 d/month
9 d/month
1 day
1 day
1 day

In February, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 21 in the morning and 28 in the afternoon. Temperatures are hot. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 29 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in March

68 to 80°
Sea: 71 °

20 d/month
9 d/month
1 day
1 day

In March, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 20 in the morning and 27 in the afternoon. Temperatures are hot. The average rainfall is around 6 inches, for 29 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in April

64 to 77°
Sea: 69 °

26 d/month
4 d/month

In April, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 18 in the morning and 25 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in May

62 to 73°
Sea: 66 °

30 d/month
1 day

In May, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 17 in the morning and 23 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 1 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in June

60 to 68°
Sea: 66 °

29 d/month
1 day

In June, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 16 in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. The weather is sunny and Pleasant. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in July

60 to 68°
Sea: 64 °

30 d/month
1 day

In July, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 16 in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. The weather is sunny and Pleasant. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in August

59 to 66°
Sea: 62 °

31 d/month

In August, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 15 in the morning and 19 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in September

59 to 68°
Sea: 62 °

29 d/month
1 day

In September, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 15 in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. The weather is sunny and Pleasant. The average rainfall is around 1 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in October

60 to 69°
Sea: 62 °

29 d/month
2 d/month

In October, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 16 in the morning and 21 in the afternoon. The weather is sunny and Pleasant. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in November

62 to 71°
Sea: 66 °

26 d/month
4 d/month

In November, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 17 in the morning and 22 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 0 inches, for 31 days without rain.

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Weather Lima in December

66 to 75°
Sea: 69 °

20 d/month
10 d/month
1 day

In December, in Lima, Minimum temperatures vary between 19 in the morning and 24 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 1 inches, for 31 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
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