Where to go on a honeymoon? Our selection

Justine, vacation idea specialist
Justine, vacation idea specialist

The concept of “honeymoon” is probably a bit frightening for you, and this is quite normal. It is associated with the idea of paradisiacal beaches, shared and open displays of happiness, great photos (keep your fingers off the lense, thank you!), this word is a concentration of long-lasting clichés. But we are here for you, there is no reason to start panicking! The traveller.com staff will guide you towards your perfect destination. If you only have eyes for your beloved (which we do understand) don't forget that honeymoons are also about travelling. So keep your eyes wide open for the destinations we have selected for you and get ready! No matter when you want to go: holidays in the sun in January are a strategic option in order to avoid post-Christmas blues or in the Spring to hot countries to escape tourists flow and torrid heat. Not convinced? In Summer, set sail to distant lands for relaxation and discovery. In Autumn, destinations are a bit more romantic, for the greatest joy of lyrical souls. Whether you are an experienced traveller or a lover lacking inspiration, thetraveller.co.uk/thetraveler.net is above all a catalogue of ideas to stimulate your imagination, compare and prepare your trip in the blink of an eye. So yes, at thetraveller.co.uk / thetraveler.net, we like to play footsie with you, but it's for your own good. We truly believe you deserve the best, the cream of the cream. And because we are perfectionists (and because we really do believe in true love) we have selected the best honeymoon destinations for you, for a trip without a bump in the road! We say that love is blind , but if even after checking out all of the information below , you still have no idea where to go ... we won't be able believe it.