Climate, temperatures and weather in San Vito Lo Capo

The best time to go to San Vito Lo Capo

Average temperatures range from 138°F (january) to 188°F (august). Sea temperature ranges from 134°F to 172°F. The rainiest months are: november, december and october. We recommende the month of june, july, august, september, to visit San Vito Lo Capo.

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Temperatures San Vito Lo Capo

Jan Feb March April May June Jul August Sept Oct nov. dec.
Min temperature44°44°48°50°57°62°68°69°66°60°53°50°
Max temperature59°59°62°66°75°80°86°87°82°75°68°60°
Sea temperature59°57°59°60°66°73°78°78°77°71°68°62°




Weather San Vito Lo Capo

légende météo

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The weather month by month in San Vito Lo Capo

Weather San Vito Lo Capo in January

44 to 59°
Sea: 59 °

11 d/month
8 d/month
5 d/month
4 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In January, in San Vito Lo Capo, temperatures range from 7 to 15 degrees. The average rainfall is around 55 inches, 18 days without rain in January

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in February

44 to 59°
Sea: 57 °

10 d/month
8 d/month
4 d/month
4 d/month
1 day
1 day

In February, in San Vito Lo Capo, temperatures range from 7 to 15 degrees. The average rainfall is around 37 inches, 19 days without rain in February

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in March

48 to 62°
Sea: 59 °

14 d/month
9 d/month
5 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In March, in San Vito Lo Capo, temperatures range from 9 to 17 degrees. Rainfall in March: 33 inches, for about 20 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in April

50 to 66°
Sea: 60 °

17 d/month
5 d/month
4 d/month
2 d/month
1 day
1 day

In April, in San Vito Lo Capo, temperatures range from 10 to 19 degrees. Rainfall in April: 67 inches, for about 25 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in May

57 to 75°
Sea: 66 °

23 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month
1 day
1 day

In May, in San Vito Lo Capo, les températures moyennes le matin sont de %s et de %s ° l'après midi. The average rainfall is around 25 inches, for 27 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in June

62 to 80°
Sea: 73 °

25 d/month
3 d/month
1 day
1 day

In June, in San Vito Lo Capo, Minimum temperatures vary between 17 in the morning and 27 in the afternoon. Temperatures are hot. The average rainfall is around 4 inches, for 29 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in July

68 to 86°
Sea: 78 °

29 d/month
1 day
1 day

In July, in San Vito Lo Capo, Minimum temperatures vary between 20 in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 3 inches, for 30 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in August

69 to 87°
Sea: 78 °

29 d/month
1 day
1 day

In August, in San Vito Lo Capo, Minimum temperatures vary between 21 in the morning and 31 in the afternoon. Températures are really hot. The average rainfall is around 32 inches, for 30 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in September

66 to 82°
Sea: 77 °

20 d/month
4 d/month
3 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In September, in San Vito Lo Capo, Minimum temperatures vary between 19 in the morning and 28 in the afternoon. Temperatures are hot. The average rainfall is around 49 inches, for 25 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in October

60 to 75°
Sea: 71 °

16 d/month
6 d/month
5 d/month
2 d/month
2 d/month

In October, in San Vito Lo Capo, Minimum temperatures vary between 16 in the morning and 24 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 108 inches, for 23 days without rain.

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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in November

53 to 68°
Sea: 68 °

13 d/month
8 d/month
6 d/month
2 d/month
1 day

In November, in San Vito Lo Capo, l'amplitude des températures varient de 12 à 20 ° dans la journée. Temperatures are pleasant. The average rainfall is around 81 inches, for 21 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
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Weather San Vito Lo Capo in December

50 to 60°
Sea: 62 °

11 d/month
8 d/month
6 d/month
3 d/month
3 d/month

In December, in San Vito Lo Capo, temperatures range from 10 to 16 degrees. Rainfall in December: 98 inches, for about 22 days without rain.

Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
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